First up is Golden Celebration, my favorite yellow rose.
Winchester Cathedral was my first English rose to bloom this year. It's a funny one, though. Not only does it tend to put out splashes of bright pink and bi-colored roses, but this year it even gave me some bi-colored leaves.
Winchester Cathedral
Pat Austin has a hard time keeping her head up.
The colossal roses of Abraham Darby
Abraham Darby with sage and thyme
My other English roses are somewhat slower, but I have some antiques and moderns that keep things interesting.
Lady Banks
Mme. Alfred Carrière
Mme. Alfred Carrière, a good 6 feet tall in its second year, is fast becoming one of my favorite roses.
Pierre de Ronsard is slowly waking up.
La Sevillana
Well, that's more than enough for today. If you leave me a message, next time I might tell you my secrets for having such healthy roses...
Si me dejáis algún mensajito, a lo mejor os revelo mis secretos para tener las rosas tan sanas...