After lunch yesterday, I heard a bird screeching and screeching. It just went on and on. Because there are so many birds of prey in the area, many of which are territorial, I figured that either a hawk or an eagle had been injured in a fight. Funny thing is, even our dog, Cookie, was listening and seemed to be concerned. So, I grabbed my cell phone and camera and went for a walk around the neighborhood to see what the problem was.
Believe it or not, what I came across was this little guy, a mochuelo (Athene noctua), who of course stopped screaming his head off as soon as he saw me. According to the English version of Wikipedia, this little owl is actually called... a Little Owl. (Ha! How's that for simplicity?!)
Look! I'm only 2 bricks tall!
It's hard to believe that such a tiny owl, which can't be more than 8 inches tall, could put up such a racket.
I see you...
All the bird activity definitely keeps Luna entertained, although she also has become more of a scaredy cat, but who could blame her?
Please don't put me outside all alone!