Apparently, on the 15th of each month, many gardening bloggers publish photos of what plants are in bloom in their gardens on that specific day, known as Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day. While I do not consider myself strictly a garden blogger (more like a garden don't-I-wisher), I find it interesting to compare what's blooming here in La Mancha compared to, say, Texas or Sweden.
Here's what's happening in my garden today:
Lavandula stoechas
Lavender is one of my favorite spring-time flowers because of it's color, shape, disease-resistance and scented leaves. Today, however, the wild Spanish lavender is still not in bloom, but this garden-center variety is really spectacular. I love the transparency of the upper crown of petals.
The daffodils are doing very well this year since we've had so much rain. I have no idea what varieties these are, but the ones in the bottom photo are minis. You can see they are smaller than a salvia bud.
My pear tree. I planted this 7 years ago and we've only gotten 3 pears out of it. Our hot summer winds seem to dry the fruit up, but I don't have the heart to cut it down... yet.
Remember the raspberry-pink buds on the Tinus? Well, now they've open to tiny white flowers.
On the kitchen porch, there's a mixed pot with snapdragons and purple freesia in bloom.
Brassica napus and Anchusa
... and the rest of my garden is run amuck with, um, wildflowers.