I had thought that I might be a bit more motivated to get things done in the garden if I posted monthly photos of the garden's progress. Accountability, I say! It also gives me a good excuse to pay attention to my garden at the end of the month, which is always hectic at work because the biomedical journal I translate runs on an end-of-the-month deadline.
However, it has been cloudy and rainy for the past 5 days, and I thought I would never get any decent photos today. But, Mother Nature cooperated, and the sun breached through the clouds for just five minutes, and I ran outside to get some quick pictures.
View from the back porch, with new pergola below |
I still don't have the heart to call the back part of the property a "garden". I mean, all there is are a few random trees that are still growing in and little else. While it is mainly overrun with our native stipa, which I actually like, there is really not much of interest going on here, and I find it a bit embarrassing. It is just horrible, horrible soil, and the ammending process is slow, arduous, and unsatisfying. The battle will continue.
Looking south |
View from south-eastern side |
Just a few meters over from the previous photo is an area that is doing a bit better because we created a sort of earth berm so that the neighbor's rainfall would not keep encroaching on our property. Here, I added 5 cypress trees, an ornamental pear and a gingko to provide privacy from the neighboring lot and street.
Trufa's favorite perch |
Front garden |
The front garden is a much happier place. Right now, the chrysanthemums are in bloom, the abelia have turned red, and the fraxinus rubra is also turning. My plans for this weekend include cleaning up the last of the pruning pile and transplanting lots of the rooted creeping rosemary and irises to the back yard. Free plants fit well within my budget.
The missing chair cushion was torn apart by pigeons. |
Ah, yes, the basketball hoop: the ultimate test of any plant.
On the right, some newly added salvia and carex |
Have you made any progress in your garden this month?