The sky has been cloudy this month and the fog has crept up the river from Toledo most mornings, so these photos were taken in mad dashes yesterday when the sun peeked out its head. What a tease, that sun!
William Shakespeare |
William Shakespeare is my favorite red rose. Red? Well, someplace between red and magenta, but its most appealing attribute is its scent.
Benjamin Britten |
I am pleased with this photo because it shows the progression of colors that Benjamin Britten is capable of producing, but in the summer the flowers are too fleeting to appreciate. From bits of yellow, to coral, to a purpley-red, BB has got it all - with a fruity scent to boot!
Charles Darwin |
In my garden and in its current location, Charles Darwin is a bit of a meek producer. However, it is healthy and I love the color of its blooms, so it is a keeper.
? |
Chrysanthemums in Spain are sold for All Saints' Day on November 1, so you will probably never see them in a garden as they are associated with cemeteries and funerals. However, I have always loved chrysanthemums becuase of the color they bring to the fall garden. I have several, which can be grown as perennials here. Unfortunately, though, they are sold here
sans ID.
La Sevillana |
La Sevillana has been flowering since May. She is such a hard worker. I should probably pay more attention to her. Ay, if only she smelled as lovely as she looks...
Podranea ricasoliana |
Salvia microphylla |
Winchester Cathedral |
If you have been paying attention, then you know that I do not care for the color pink. So, what is Heritage doing in my garden? Well, I planted this rose to commemorate the birth of my niece, Katie, exactly 7 years ago today.
Happy Birthday, Katie!!!
And happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day to everyone! Stop by May Dreams Gardens to see what's blooming in everyone elses' gardens.